ANAMAR was contracted to collect sediment and water samples in the Corpus Christi Ship Channel in accordance with an approved Sampling and Analysis Plan. ANAMAR subcontracted sample analysis to a NELAP-accredited laboratory for physical, chemical, and toxicological analysis of sediment, site water, elutriate, and tissue, including bioassay and bioaccumulation testing. ANAMAR provided quality assurance/quality control services for laboratory results and generated appropriate reports and related deliverables required for the Galveston District to secure EPA concurrence required for ocean disposal of dredged material pursuant to MPRSA Section 103 and local and regional regulatory requirements.

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 103
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District is responsible for maintaining a federal navigation channel in Corpus Christi under the authorization of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1910. Galveston District dredges around 1 million cubic yards of material from the channel every two years to maintain the required dredging depth of -58 feet below Mean Lower Low Tide plus two feet of allowable overdepth for a total project depth of -60 feet MLLT. These maintenance dredging events provide for continued access to port facilities served by the Corpus Christi Ship Channel. To dispose of this dredged maintenance material in the Corpus Christi ODMDS, the material must be sampled and undergo a sediment evaluation. ANAMAR was contracted by USACE-Galveston to conduct this sediment evaluation.
ANAMAR successfully completed the sampling for this project on a tight schedule immediately prior to the December holidays. The sediment evaluation report also earned EPA concurrence quickly; concurrence was granted less than seven months after ANAMAR was contracted to lead the project.