The US Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District contracted ANAMAR to conduct a Clean Water Act Section 404 evaluation of sediment intended for upland placement from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) across five coastal counties in South Carolina.

Project Statute
- CWA Section 404
Charleston District is responsible for maintenance dredging on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) between the North Carolina-South Carolina border and Port Royal Sound. The dredged material generated from channel maintenance is disposed of in numerous, small upland confined disposal areas along the entire length of the AIWW along with two open-water disposal areas. This project involved sampling and analysis of sediment and elutriate samples from various locations within the AIWW federal navigation channel in Beaufort, Colleton, Charleston, Georgetown, and Horry counties, South Carolina. ANAMAR was responsible for preparing a Sampling and Analysis Plan/Quality Assurance Project Plan (SAP/QAPP), conducting sediment and site water sample collection, managing physical and chemical laboratory analysis of sediment and elutriates, and preparation of a draft and final report submitted to USACE detailing the sampling effort and presenting resulting of the evaluation. Twenty composite samples were analyzed. Two to six sediment subsamples were combined into each composite sample for physical, sediment chemistry, and elutriate chemistry analysis. All project sediment subsamples were collected by grab sampler. Site water for elutriate preparation was collected at two specified locations. ANAMAR prepared the SAP/QAPP, coordinated and directed field operations, subcontracted vibracore sampling and laboratory analyses, and prepared final report deliverables. ANAMAR provided quality assurance services, reviewed all laboratory data, and produced a report summarizing the results of the physical and chemical analysis of sediment samples collected from the project area.