The US Army Corps, Portland District contracted ANAMAR to conduct sediment characterizations of three Federal Navigation Channels on the Oregon Coast to determine suitability of material for unconfined in-water disposal of dredged sediments and aquatic exposure of the post-dredge surface material.

Project Statute
- CWA Section 404
ANAMAR was responsible for coordinating all field logistics, subcontracting a suitable vibracore vessel, leading and supervising all field sample collection and sample processing activities, coordinating shipping logistics with the laboratories to ensure samples arrived in good condition and were processed within holding times, performing data quality assurance/quality control, compiling results into tables, and identifying exceedances of screening criteria. Draft reports were submitted on or before due dates and received favorably, with few or no revisions required before finalization. The data quality objectives for this sediment characterization were to:
- Characterize sediments to be dredged from the project area in accordance with SEF protocols.
- Collect, handle, and analyze representative sediment from the dredge boundaries in accordance with SEF protocols and QA/QC requirements.
- Characterize sediment to be dredged to determine its suitability for unconfined aquatic placement and aquatic exposure or to inform upland disposal options.
- Analyze representative sediment samples for physical and chemical parameters as outlined in the SEF and certain chemical parameters listed by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) applicable to marine fishes.