ANAMAR was contracted by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District to evaluate dredge material from the Two Mile Federal Navigation Channel located near Apalachicola, Florida, for dredging and disposal at a nearby upland confined disposal facility.

Project Statute
- CWA Section 404
The Two Mile Navigation Project, located in Frankling County at the entrance to Apalachicola Bay, is includes a 6-foot-deep by 100-foot-wide channel approximately 5 miles in length. Sediment and site water samples were collected and evaluated from 10 representative stations within the project area. The samples were collected from locations and depths coinciding with the dredging prism. The testing was consistent the Inland Testing Manual (EPA and USACE 1998) (ITM) and Florida Dept of Environmental Protection Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources (SLERP) Sediment Testing Guidance. The analytical results were compared to State of Florida soil cleanup target levels and water quality standards (62-777 F.A.C.) to determine suitability for disposal. ANAMAR coordinated and directed operations for this project and worked closely with Mobile District and Florida Department of Environmental Protection to develop sampling and analysis schemes, schedules, and deliverables. ANAMAR also reviewed all data and produced a report summarizing the results of the physical testing, sediment chemistry, and elutriate chemistry.