ANAMAR was contracted to plan and execute an MPRSA Section 103 evaluation of dredged material proposed for ocean disposal to support the installation of a Shiplift drydocking facility at the BAE Systems Jacksonville Ship Repair complex in Mayport, Florida.

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 103
Upgrades to the BAE Systems Jacksonville Ship Repair facility included construction of a new Shiplift drydocking complex at the existing ship repair facility on the St. Johns River. MPRSA Section 103 testing for suitability of dredged material for ocean disposal was key to this project, as nearby upland disposal facilities had limited capacity for the volume of new work dredge material in need of disposal.
Due to the need for both maintenance and new work dredging, the proposed dredge prism was divided into two new work dredging units and three maintenance dredging units. All discrete samples underwent grain size analysis only. Composite samples underwent a suite of physical, sediment chemistry, elutriate chemistry, toxicological, and bioaccumulation analyses. The reference sediment underwent all analyses except the elutriate chemistry.
The combination of new work and maintenance dredging material addressed in this project necessitated two separate sampling and analysis plans, sediment testing reports, and sediment evaluations. It also required the employment of three different sampling techniques to manage varied shoaling depths and compaction. ANAMAR utilized sonic drilling as sparingly as possible to minimize cost to the client. Due to the construction timeline, the entire project was performed on a compressed schedule. Due in part to the ANAMAR team’s exacting planning and execution of the dredged material evaluation, Jacksonville Ship Repair achieved groundbreaking on the new drydocking complex less than 18 months after field sampling operations.