Port Freeport deepened the entrance and jetty channel from -46 feet MLLW to -56 feet MLLW, making it the deepest port in Texas and opening the state to larger ships. Under contract with Fugro, ANAMAR performed an MRPSA Section 103 dredged material evaluation to determine suitability of dredged material proposed for ocean disposal in support of the Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project consisting of the deepening and partial widening of the channel and related navigational improvements.

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 103
ANAMAR prepared the Sampling and Analysis Plan, which was reviewed and approved by USACE and EPA. ANAMAR and the Fugro team coordinated closely to plan field logistics. ANAMAR also coordinated with the laboratories to ensure samples were delivered to the laboratory within holding times. As part of the safety protocols associated with this project, ANAMAR field personnel were required to have tropical helicopter underwater escape training (T-HUET). Sampling operations were executed aboard the lift boat L/B Petite (79-ft, Class 150 lift boat) in June 2021. All core sediment samples were successfully collected with a CME-55 drill rig equipped with a Gregory Undisturbed Sampler (GUS). This field effort was performed with 24-hour operations. Each shift was led by an ANAMAR field team leader. ANAMAR was responsible for reviewing all of the laboratory data and preparing a report that summarized results of the physical, chemical, toxicological, and bioaccumulation analysis of samples. The report attained EPA concurrence for ocean disposal of dredged material in January 2022.