ANAMAR was contracted to plan and execute an MPRSA Section 103 evaluation of dredged material intended for ocean disposal to support safe and efficient navigation within the Brazos Island Harbor and the Brownsville Ship Channel Reach.

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 103
The Brazos Island Harbor Project consists of the entrance channel and Jetty Channel Reach along with channels farther westward and inland to the Brownsville Ship Channel Reach. The purpose of the channel is to provide safe navigation from the Gulf of Mexico past Port Isabel, 17 miles inland. The project area was divided into four dredging units numbered consecutively moving from East to West. Previous dredging projects in this area involved placement of dredged material into upland confined placement areas. However, due to limited upland capacity, the material was evaluated under MPRSA Section 103 to provide the flexibility to place suitable material in the adjacent ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS). The sediment and water samples collected underwent physical, chemical, toxicological, and bioaccumulation evaluations as prescribed in the in the Regional Implementation Agreement (RIA).