ANAMAR was contracted by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District to perform sampling, testing, reporting, and evaluation of maintenance and new work dredge material in accordance with MPRSA Section 103 and in support of the congressionally authorized Wilmington Harbor 96 Act project.

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 103
This project was designed to maintain navigation efficiency and safety within the Wilmington Harbor shipping channels. ANAMAR provided all necessary information to determine the suitability of dredged material for ocean disposal at the New Wilmington Harbor ODMDS.
Areas to be dredged were divided into eight project-specific dredging units representing defined and associated channel reaches or ranges from the upper harbor through the entrance channel based on expected sediment characteristics. Field sampling was conducted in June 2016 and involved collection of vibracore and grab sediment samples and site water. ANAMAR coordinated and directed field operations and worked closely with the Wilmington District and EPA Region 4 to design a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), perform sample collection, and subcontract coring services and laboratory analysis. ANAMAR staff reviewed all data and produced a report summarizing the results of the physical, chemical, toxicological, and bioaccumulation analysis of samples, and produced a sediment evaluation report for use by Wilmington District in obtaining concurrence from EPA.