The Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU) is located along the west bank of the Cape Fear River in Wilmington Harbor, North Carolina. ANAMAR was contracted by USACE Wilmington District to perform an MPRSA Section 103 Tier III sediment evaluation for the maintenance dredging of three basins within MOTSU. The project objective is to demonstrate that the dredge material continues to be suitable for ocean disposal at the new Wilmington Harbor ODMDS. Routine maintenance dredging is required to prevent shoaling of the MOTSU berths, basins, and channels so that full capacity of the military terminal is maintained for the transportation of critical military equipment and supplies. The testing program followed guidelines established in the Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Ocean Disposal – Testing Manual (Green Book) and Southeast Region Implementation Manual (SERIM).

Project Statute
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Areas to be dredged were divided into three project-specific dredging units (DUs), each representing a defined basin. Sediment and water samples were collected from each DU in for Tier III (physical, chemical, toxicological, and bioaccumulation) analysis. ANAMAR worked closely with USACE and EPA to design sampling and analysis schemes, prepared the Sampling and Analysis Plan, planned and led field sample collection operations, subcontracted coring services and laboratory analysis, and performed STFATE modeling to demonstrate suitability of material for ocean disposal. ANAMAR reviewed all data and produced a Tier III testing report summarizing the analytical results, along with a sediment evaluation for use by USACE in obtaining concurrence from EPA. ANAMAR received ‘Exceptional’ CPAR ratings for quality, schedule, cost control, and management for this project:
“ANAMAR performed exceptionally, meeting or exceeding contractual requirements to the Government’s benefit. The quality of all work products/deliverables was of very high caliber, allowing the Government to successfully and efficiently attain Section 103 concurrence from EPA.” -Jenny Owens, Chief, USACE, Environmental Resources Section (3/27/18)