Olsen Associates, Inc. (Olsen) contracted ANAMAR to update an existing MPRSA §103 Tier I sediment evaluation addressing a construction and dredging project at Port Everglades. The project involved dredging ~428,000 cubic yards of sediment and constructing a sediment trap. Although this project had already been authorized for ocean disposal under Department of the Army (DOA) Permit No. SAJ-2008-02034, the start of work has been delayed, and an extension to the permit was necessary

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 103
The purpose of the Tier I evaluation was to provide all the necessary information for USACE and EPA to extend the period of authorization of the existing DOA permit and allow ~428,200 cubic yards of dredged material to be disposed of in the Port Everglades ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS).
ANAMAR prepared the updated Tier I using the most current construction plans, spill data from the US Coast Guard National Response Center, the EPA EnviroMapper online spatial database, current velocity data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and prior geotechnical sampling efforts from 2008, 2011, and 2014. The Tier I sediment evaluation demonstrated that the proposed dredged material continues to meet exclusionary criteria, and is therefore approved for offshore disposal per MPRSA §103.