Austin Brockenbrough and Associates, Inc. contracted ANAMAR to produce an Environmental Assessment (EA) that addressed the proposed improvements to the defense fuel receipt pipelines at MacDill Air Force Base and to apply for and obtain all required environmental permits. The EA process included public notices, a Phase I cultural resource assessment survey, consultations with resource agencies and Native American Tribal representatives, responding to comments from stakeholders, and submittal of the draft EA to the Florida State Clearinghouse.

Project Statute
MacDill Air Force Base receives the Jet A fuel it needs for flight operations via a pair of pipelines running from a commercial terminal to the Defense Fuel Supply Point Tampa. The aging underground pipelines were corroded and degraded and required replacement. The Air Force sought to replace the pipelines using a corridor that avoids most wetland impacts.
In addition to the EA finalized in May 2022 and associated administrative record, ANAMAR applied for and secured environmental permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Nationwide Permit), Florida DEP (Environmental Resource Permit), Tampa Port Authority (Minor Work Permit), and tree mitigation from the City of Tampa. The pipeline corridor traverses several ditches leading to Tampa Bay. ANAMAR delineated wetlands, quantified wetland impact areas, and responded to requests for additional information from environmental resource agencies.