ANAMAR was subcontracted by The Cadmus Group LLC to conduct disposal site monitoring surveys for the Umpqua and Siuslaw ocean dredged material disposal sites under the EPA ODMDS monitoring program.

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 102
This project consists of survey work focused on characterizing the surficial geological substrate, grain size distribution, chemical contaminants, benthic infaunal communities, epifaunal communities, and water quality characteristics inside and outside of the Umpqua and Siuslaw ODMDSs. The collection and analysis of these data satisfy the routine monitoring needed to inform and update the Umpqua and Siuslaw site management and monitoring plans (SMMPs).
The 2019 monitoring effort at the Umpqua and Siuslaw ODMDSs included the following:
- Hydroacoustic survey. A hydroacoustic survey was conducted at the Umpqua North and South ODMDSs in July 2019. The hydroacoustic survey used sidescan sonar to assess the location of sand dollar (cf. Dendraster excentricus) beds at the Umpqua North and South ODMDSs.
- Sediment physical sampling and analysis. Sediment samples within and outside the ODMDSs were assessed for grain size distribution and total organic carbon.
- Sediment chemical sampling and analysis. Sediment samples within the ODMDSs were analyzed for chemicals of concern. The resultant data were evaluated to ensure that disposal of dredged material is not causing contamination of the benthic communities.
- Sediment benthic infaunal sampling and analysis. Sediment samples within and outside the ODMDSs were assessed to determine benthic infaunal community characteristics.
- Epifaunal trawls. Trawls within and outside the ODMDSs were conducted to assess epifaunal community characteristics.
- Video transects. Video was collected within and outside the ODMDSs to assess epifaunal community characteristics and to conduct a comparison of the video footage with the trawl findings.
- Water quality. Water quality profile data were collected within and outside the ODMDSs.
Challenges and Solutions: This was a long survey effort due to sampling within four ODMDS areas. As part of the proposal response, determining key survey details prior to proposal submission to estimate costs accurately was critical. The request for proposal (RFP) was issued in August 2018, making it necessary to secure a vessel a year in advance that met survey requirements and was available for and approximately two-week window. ANAMAR’s strong network of proven subcontractors made possible a charter agreement with considerable lead time.