USACE and EPA identified a need to expand the existing Port Everglades Harbor ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS). ANAMAR was contracted to perform the site designation studies to characterize and compare the two proposed expansion areas as part of the site designation process as stated in 40 CFR § 228.6(b).

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 102
The site designation study involved a survey and desktop analysis. The site designation survey consisted of collecting:
- In situ water column parameters using a CTD-profiler
- Water samples for chemical analysis
- Sediment samples for physical and chemical analysis
- Benthic infaunal samples for community assessment
- Epifaunal invertebrates and demersal fishes (trawl sampling) for community assessment
- Tissue samples from epifauna for bioaccumulation analysis
ANAMAR conducted all epifaunal analyses; completed QA/QC on all raw data; compiled results; and performed data interpretation. The results will be included in an environmental assessment of the proposed site expansion and will be used as a baseline for comparison with future monitoring results.