The US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District contracted ANAMAR through the GSA Schedule to conduct an expansion survey of the Rogue ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS).

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 102
The Portland District was concerned with available capacity and proximity of the Rogue ODMDS to biologically productive rocky reefs and sought to undertake a study to explore possibilities to expand, reorient, or relocate the ODMDS. ANAMAR was contracted to assess the sediment characteristics, benthic infaunal, and epifaunal communities in a 1.3 square nautical mile study area adjacent to the existing Rogue ODMDS. In addition, physiochemical water parameters and underwater video data were obtained for analysis by EPA Region 10. The survey took place during August and September 2019 using the 84-foot R/V Pacific Storm, subcontracted through Oregon State University. ANAMAR was responsible for coordinating field sampling logistics, subcontracting a vessel and crew properly equipped to assist USACE with sampling operations, overseeing subcontractors (MTS and MTC labs), providing data quality review and data quality assurance, preparing report deliverables, and technically reviewing subcontractor reports. Sampling and analysis followed the 2016 Sediment Evaluation Framework (SEF). Several reports were prepared that summarized field activities and analytical results including a sediment characterization report, a benthic infaunal community assessment report, and analytical lab reports. Lab data were provided in the proper format for uploading into the EIM database.