We know NEPA
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) establishes the requirement that all federal agencies’ funding or permitting decisions be made with full consideration of the impact to the natural and human environment. NEPA also requires that agencies disclose these impacts to interested parties and the general public.
The key element in the environmental review process is a rigorous evaluation of alternatives, including the “no action” alternative. Environmental assessments and environmental impact statements, which are assessments of the likelihood of impacts from various courses of action, are required from all federal agencies. ANAMAR provides a full suite of services related to NEPA compliance and preparation of NEPA support documents.
NEPA Compliance Services
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Categorical Exclusion (CE)
- Biological Assessments (BA)
- Essential Fish Habitat Assessments (EFH)
- Coastal Zone Consistency Management Determinations (CZCM)
- Environmental Justice
Recent NEPA Compliance Projects
Clear guidance
ANAMAR can help guide clients step-by-step through the NEPA process beginning with defining the purpose of and need for action, identifying environmental considerations related to the proposed action, developing alternatives to be evaluated, designing and performing the necessary studies to assess the potential impacts of the proposed action, preparing NEPA documents, interagency coordination, public notification and involvement, and ending with the public record of findings and decision.
ANAMAR’s active management of the NEPA process focuses on early planning and on-going communication with the client and government agencies. This is a proven approach to minimizing performance risk and adhering to project timelines.

Federal Government Information
With over two decades of experience working for the federal government, ANAMAR Environmental Consulting is committed to supporting initiatives and ensuring diligent compliance with all regulations and contract terms. ANAMAR is proud to be a trusted partner of numerous government agencies, offering exceptional performance and expertise in navigational support, NEPA compliance, and environmental permitting.
NEPA Compliance NAICS Codes
Environmental Consulting Services
Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical ) Services
Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services
Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services